You can view and manage content of the following synchronized top-level folders in UNIVERGE BLUE® SHARE Tab:
- Desktop
- Documents
- Downloads
- Music
- Pictures
- Videos
Note: Desktop and Documents folders are empty if you have not enabled backup & sync of these folders on the UNIVERGE BLUE® SHARE stand-alone Desktop app. Read the Knowledge article on UNIVERGE BLUE® SHARE: Backup Policy (End-Users Guide) for more information.
You can also view detailed folder properties information including: owner, location, content size (both live and deleted), versions total size, amount of items (both live and deleted), created date, shared with, user’s permissions. To view folder properties, right-click on the folder > click Properties.
You may copy files and folders from one location to another. Right-click the folder > click Copy > select a destination folder > click Copy again.
Note: Only the latest version of the live files will be copied, so version history and deleted files will not be copied. Copy is available both for single file/folder and as a bulk operation. To select several objects use
- CRTL+Click or Shift+Click on Windows
- CMD+Click or Shift+Click on Mac
You can manage UNIVERGE BLUE® SHARE Web view by using sort and filter options:
- Sort by Name, Date and Size is available
- Click Recents to display the last 20 files that were added or edited by the user. Files will be removed from Recents once deleted or permission to a parent folder is evoked.
- Click Favorites to filter only folders you are following
- Click Deleted items to show files and folders that were deleted but can still be restored. Deleted items show up in gray.
- Click Quarantined files to view infected files. You may mark files as ok or delete them.
Along with managing existing files and folders, you can also upload new files and create new folders. Upload and download progress bar
To view the details, click on the arrow button.
Note: files and folders can be uploaded using Drag'n'drop mechanism. Folder structure is kept intact. Files cannot be uploaded into shared folders with View permissions using Drag'n'Drop.
Uploads/downloads can be
Note: if you Cancel upload from the notification during the upload of multiple files:
- files uploaded before cancellation will be uploaded
- a file being uploaded during cancellation and all files after it in the queue will be removed from the queue
Once the download is finished, you will be able prompted to choose where to save the files locally.
You can perform the following actions with files and folders shared with you:
- folders: manage collaborators, follow your favorite folders updates, leave folder share
- files: download files, view and restore previous versions, lock files for editing and edit them online or locally, delete files (if you have enough permissions), follow your favorite files updates
UNIVERGE BLUE® SHARE build-in to UNIVERGE BLUE® CONNECT desktop application can be displayed in the language of the end-user.
If default locale of the OS (operating system) is set to English (US), English (UK), English (AU), German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese or French translated verbiages are displayed, date format is aligned to particular culture. We use particular list of regions to adjust date formatting: en-US, en-GB, en-AU, de-DE, it-IT, nl-NL, es-LA, ja-JP, fr-CA. For all other regions we fall back to the one listed. If older version of UNIVERGE BLUE® CONNECT installation file is used, verbiage will change automatically after application update. Locale will be change only if it is supported by application. Otherwise, default language will be displayed.
Display language can be changed under Settings > Application Settings > Select language from the drop-down list > Save changes.